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Singing River Dentistry

Impacted Wisdom Teeth
Tuscumbia, AL

The most common type of tooth extraction is the removal of wisdom teeth.

Our doctors in Tuscumbia, AL will recommend wisdom tooth extraction when wisdom teeth fail to burst through the gums or emerge in a way that either impacts neighboring teeth or leaves the emergent area vulnerable to infections.

Wisdom teeth can cause problems for patients when they do not emerge properly, especially if the wisdom teeth are impacted. This is not always the case; some patients do not develop wisdom teeth at all, whereas others have no incidents with their emerging wisdom teeth.

However, when wisdom teeth threaten a patient's oral health, our team at Singing River Dentistry can extract the wisdom teeth and guide our patients to recovery.

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Why We Remove Impacted Wisdom Teeth

Patients who develop wisdom teeth may have complications as the wisdom teeth prepare to emerge.

Wisdom teeth that are impacted can grow at an angle and can damage the neighboring second molars or nudge them out of alignment.

Wisdom teeth positioned in a right-angle to the rest of the natural teeth can cause severe alignment issues throughout the entire arch.

Impacted wisdom teeth that do not fully emerge can cause pain for the patient and render the patient vulnerable to oral infections.

Wisdom teeth that are partially emerged can also develop tooth decay or cause cysts at the emergence site.

How Are Teeth Removed?

Illustration of an impacted wisdom toothSince tooth extraction is one of the last resorts for dental procedures and the overall healthof your mouth, we want to make sure that pulling a tooth is the last resort.

We often take an x-ray of your tooth and see if it can be repaired, and if it cannot be, then we advocate for its removal.

A decayed tooth can cause pain, trouble eating and speaking, and possible additional health problems. Depending on the damage to the tooth, you will need to have one of two types of extractions: simple or surgical.

What Are the Different Types of Tooth Extractions?

Teeth that are fully emerged, exposed, and whole can be removed with a simple extraction.

A simple extraction involves applying a local anesthetic to numb the affected area and the use of two tools: an "elevator" which loosens the tooth, and forceps to dislodge the tooth.

Teeth that are heavily damaged, fractured, or not fully emerged, such as wisdom teeth - especially impacted wisdom teeth - will require a surgical extraction.

When performing a surgical extraction, our team will apply both local anesthetic and either conscious sedation or general anesthesia before manipulating the gums and bones to access and remove the tooth.

Post-Extraction Recovery

Bleeding for a day after the extraction is common.

Our team will supply patients with gauze which should be replaced every four hours or when the gauze is saturated with blood, whichever comes first.

In most instances, over-the-counter anti-inflammatories are sufficient to manage the pain after the procedure, though our staff may prescribe stronger painkillers if the extraction involved removing bone.

Applying an ice-pack in 10-minute intervals can keep swelling under control. Patients should plan on taking an entire day off from work or school, then keep a low level of physical activity for the week after the extraction.

Patients should avoid straws for one week as well as alcohol, caffeine, hot drinks, and carbonated beverages for at least 24 hours after their wisdom tooth extraction.

Patients who smoke or use tobacco need to avoid all tobacco products for 72 hours after the extraction and refrain from chewing tobacco for at least a week after the procedure.

Patients should limit themselves to soft foods for at least 24 hours, gradually easing back into their normal diet with our team's guidance.

Patients should not perform any oral care for at least 24 hours after the extraction. It is important for patients to be gentle around the extraction site when they do resume their oral care routines.

Potential Issues with Wisdom Teeth Extractions

Every instance of a tooth extraction can lead to a dry socket, a condition where the gap left by the removed tooth exposes the bone underneath the socket.

In addition, sockets that are not completely closed or healed can get infected if bacteria or food particles become trapped in the socket.

Dry sockets occur when the blood fails to clot or the clot is dislodged; either scenario removes the protective barrier between the bone and the rest of the mouth.

The two symptoms of a dry socket are intense, radiating pain and bad breath.

Fortunately, removing wisdom teeth before they are fully-emerged permits our team to dramatically reduce the chances of a dry socket occurring after the wisdom teeth are extracted.

Wisdom Teeth Are Not the Only Teeth that Can Become Impacted

While most people think of wisdom teeth when the discussion of impacted teeth comes up, they are in fact not the only teeth to which this can happen.

In fact, it can happen to any of your teeth, including canines. From an orthodontic standpoint, impacted canines offer an incredibly difficult and challenging treatment protocol. In many cases, more than one dental professional will need to be consulted in order to get the desired end result.

In most cases, an orthodontist, oral surgeon, and general dentist are all consulted to correct the issue.

Come See Us in Tuscumbia, AL for a Consultation!

As is the case with many other oral health complications, the correct way to handle impacted wisdom teeth can vary somewhat from patient to patient. Whether or not the wisdom teeth need to be extracted as well as the post-extraction ramifications for the patient, are issues that must be analyzed on a case-by-case basis. Contact Singing River Dentistry at 256-712-2240 to schedule your consultation, so we can make a treatment plan that's just right for you.

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Impacted Wisdom Teeth - Tuscumbia, AL • Singing River Dentistry
Visit here for answers to common questions about impacted wisdom teeth, including why & how we do extractions, dry socket info, and more. Call to schedule!
Singing River Dentistry, 121 E 6th St, Tuscumbia, AL 35674-2413 \ 256-712-2240 \ \ 10/21/2024 \ Page Keywords: dentist Tuscumbia AL \