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Singing River Dentistry

Dentures to Implant Bridge
Tuscumbia, AL

Woman looking at her smile in a mirror at Singing River Dentistry.While dentures can simply be applied to the gums using gels and creams to secure them in place, that is not the best solution. They can easily slip out of place when eating or talking and the gel or cream typically has to be applied multiple times throughout the day. A different option and one that provides better results are dentures secured to an implant bridge. This combines two different procedures for a permanent denture solution. If you have questions or have considered this type of procedure in the past, contact us at Singing River Dentistry.

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Implant Type

We typically recommend one of two types of implants to secure the dentures in place. One type is a bar-retained, which has a thin metallic bar secured to two implants placed into the jawbone. By utilizing clips, the dentures can be attached to implants that are embedded in the patient’s upper and lower jawbones. The other type we recommend is called a stud attached. This type of implant requires small sockets at the ends of the denture that will connect to the implant.

First Office Visit

While there will be multiple visits to complete the entire process for your dentures and dental bridge, the first one will be the evaluation. This will determine if other procedures are needed before the implant procedure, such as root canals, tooth extraction, gum reshaping, or bone grafts to improve the bone mass of the jaws. Once the evaluation is completed, we can schedule the implant placement appointment.

First Procedure Necessary

The first surgery involves the actual implant being placed into the bone. An incision is made in the gum tissue at the site for the implant. The implant is then screwed into a tiny hole made in the jawbone. It is important the patient does not put pressure on the implant site while it heals. This could mean altering your diet such as eating hard food to keep pressure off the implants. Temporary dentures can be provided so the patient has a full set of teeth while waiting for the permanent dentures to come in.

The Next Step

Multiple appointments might be necessary to see if the implants are healing properly. Once it has been determined they are fused with the bone then we expose the implant heads by making another small incision in the gum. Small caps are put on top of those implants to aid in gum healing. These stay that way for two weeks in order to heal.

Securing the Dentures

Once it has been determined the implants have properly healed and are securely in place, the next appointment is scheduled. At this time, we will have the permanent dentures manufactured so they can be placed on the implants. It is very important that once they are placed patients follow all instructions. Oral health practices are incredibly important to make sure the implants are properly healed so the dentures will stay in place.

Schedule Today!

This procedure is highly recommended and offers a solution to extensive tooth loss and decay. By being able to take dentures in and out by securing it to the bridge, patients can properly clean the denture and the underlying gum structure. If you have thought about dentures contact us at Singing River Dentistry. Our number is 256-712-2240.

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Dentures to Implant Bridge - Tuscumbia, AL
Singing River Dentistry, 121 E 6th St, Tuscumbia, AL 35674-2413 : 256-712-2240 : : 3/9/2025 : Page Phrases: dentist Tuscumbia AL :