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Singing River Dentistry

Common Signs a Filling Has Fallen Out

Posted on 9/5/2022 by SRD Tuscumbia
Common Signs a Filling Has Fallen OutLosing a filling is among the most common problems in dentistry. Moreover, most fillers are not designed to last a lifetime. Common signs that help an individual know they have lost the filling include

Sudden Pain within the Treated Area

The area of tooth treatment may develop severe acute pain, especially if touched if the filling is lost; this is because the tissues surrounding the treated area are exposed to environmental factors such as cold and heat temperatures. However, the individual can take pain relievers to ease the pain.

Presence of a Crack and Hole in the Tooth

The presence of a hole signifies lost filling; if an individual can feel the position of where the filling was with the tongue, it means the filling has fallen out. In such cases, it's recommended for the patient to gargle and rinse the mouth with salt water to prevent the development of bacteria and inflammation that causes infections around the treated area.

Tooth Sensitivity to Drinks

Individuals with fallout filling will experience painful sensitivity when they take hot or cold drinks. Also, chewing food when a filling is fallen out causes pain and discomfort; therefore, it's advisable to prevent using the side of the tooth filling to chew foods.

Trapped Foods around the Treated Area

Foods get trapped around the treated area of teeth where the filling has fallen out. The food particles may cause the development of a painful sensation that brings discomfort. Also, to prevent bacterial infections, the area where the filling has fallen out should be avoided while feeding.

Generally, filing is necessary to improve dental alignment and treatment of dental problems; however, in case of fallouts, individuals should schedule dental visits to restore and replace the appliances. Furthermore, regular checkups are an excellent way to prevent loss of fillings.

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