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Singing River Dentistry

Bleachorexia; Dental Risks and Complications

Posted on 1/11/2021 by SRD Tuscumbia
Bleachorexia; Dental Risks and ComplicationsMany people have an obsession with clean, white teeth, as a result of which, they become overly addicted to tooth bleaching. This obsession often transforms into a behavioral disorder called Bleachorexia, in which a person develops an unhealthy addiction to whitening and bleaching their teeth.

Their goal is to make the teeth as white as possible, which leads them to over-bleaching their teeth. This often results in serious dental risks and complications, and in worst cases, it can even cause permanent damage to the teeth.


Peroxide is a common teeth whitening product that causes hypersensitivity in the teeth when you over-bleach them. If you continue to bleach your teeth, your sensitivity to hot and cold foods will only increase over time.

Dental Erosion

When you over-expose your teeth to bleaching and whitening agents, it seriously damages the enamel layer on the teeth. When the enamel is damaged, you can experience several long-lasting oral and dental health issues like fractures, tooth decay, and pain, to name a few.

Gum Irritation

Bleaching agents often contain irritants that can result in extreme gum irritation. The irritation can even turn into bleeding and problems in the throat.

If you really want to whiten your teeth, the safest option is to schedule an appointment with your dentist so that they can assess the condition of your teeth and suggest an appropriate teeth whitening treatment.

Instead of bleaching your teeth at home, consult us at Singing River Dentistry where and will examine your teeth and then develop a customized and super safe whitening method that best suits your needs.

It is important to understand that the dental region is a sensitive part or area of your body, so you must avoid practices that are likely to cause damage to your teeth.
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