Teeth whitening is increasingly becoming popular as more people desire to improve their smiles and overall appearance. This dental procedure aims to whiten your teeth and brighten your dazzling smile. It removes stubborn stains and discoloration using bleaching agents, gels, and LED lighting technology. Depending on the selected method, you can whiten your teeth at home or in a dental office. Here are four teeth whitening procedures available to you:
Oral Microabrasion
Microabrasion is a safe, non-invasive teeth whitening procedure for removing stains and discoloration from the outer layer of the tooth surface. It removes spots from the tooth enamel without relying on harsh chemicals and bleaching agents. Your dentist will employ a rotating device with abrasive agents to remove discoloration and stains.
Dental Prophylaxis
Dental prophylaxis is another name for deep tooth cleaning. This procedure removes plaque buildup and tartar deposits from the teeth. It eradicates extrinsic stains caused by acidic or starchy foods and carbonated drinks. It also eliminates tartar buildup between teeth and beneath the gum line. Besides whitening the teeth, dental cleaning aims to prevent or treat gum disease and other oral issues.
OTC Teeth Whitening Agents
You can whiten your discolored or stained teeth at home using over-the-counter whitening agents. These products include whitening toothpaste, mouthwashes, and whitening kits. Other options include varnishes, intraoral strips, and gels. These products contain bleaching compounds that supposedly whiten the teeth. However, the effectiveness of OTC teeth whitening agents depends on their composition.
Dental Bleaching
Dental bleaching is a professional teeth whitening procedure done at a dental office. Your dentist may use different bleaching agents to remove stains and spots and whiten the teeth. Typical products used during this procedure include hydrogen peroxide and carbamide peroxide. Your dentist may also use bleaching gel or LED lighting technology to whiten the teeth and restore your radiant smile.
Contact Us for Professional Teeth Whitening
Teeth whitening is a popular cosmetic treatment. It can help enhance your facial appearance and restore your dazzling smile. Contact us today to schedule expert teeth whitening services.
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