How Can You Tell If The Baby Teeth Are About To Fall Out?
Posted on 11/1/2023 by Weo Admin
Teething is a milestone in your kid's growth and development. Every parent feels happy when they notice teeth erupting in their kid's jaws. The kid develops 20 primary teeth that help them to chew and speak. However, the milk teeth will start falling to give space for the permanent ones. This happens when your child turns 6 years old. Parents need to prepare for this milestone. Here are signs to know if the baby's teeth are about to fall out:
Tooth Mobility
Mobility is among the top signs that your baby's teeth are about to fall. When the teeth are ripe, they become loose. You can easily move them back and forth with your finger or when the kid is eating. However, you should not force their extraction. You need to wait until the teeth are loose enough and remove them.
Eruption Of Permanent Teeth
Baby teeth hold the position of the permanent ones. When it is time, the permanent teeth will erupt, pushing the milk teeth outwards. This occurrence is a sign that the baby tooth time is up. You should allow the natural process to take its course. If this fails, you can consult a dentist for assistance.
Pain Or Discomfort
Is your child experiencing some difficulties when chewing? This experience might indicate that their baby teeth are about to fall. Your baby may experience discomfort and pain or sensitivity. Some kids might cry due to fear and anxiety of losing their teeth. However, you can offer them emotional support and make the process comfortable.
Changes In The Kids' Teeth Appearance
When the primary teeth are about to fall, their color turns yellowish or dark. This happens due to root tissue resorption. Some kids also get noticeable fissures or cracks on their teeth enamel. These signs should not worry you as they indicate that the time for baby teeth is up.
Checking the above signs can help you know when your baby is about to lose their milk teeth. If you have concerns about their baby teeth shedding, consider visiting our office for appropriate guidance and pediatric dentist support.
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